#40facts4thehive | The Hive…we are coming!!

In April we will do something really spectacular…we are going to the Hive!! Since my sister and me are still blogger newbies attending such a conference is quite exciting for us. And to be honest – this is an understatement. We are nearly freaking out!

In order to introduce ourselves and to get to know each other already before the conference we were invited to share “40 facts about us”. And of course we accept the challenge. So, let´s start (…our first post in english :-) ). Here we are…



  1. I am 38 years old and nearly 15 years I am now living in Hamburg (with some interruptions).
  2. I have no doubts that Hamburg is the most beautiful city in Germany. Especially the new Hafencity.
  3. I spend significant time at the Baltic sea -the perfect alternative to the hectic everyday life in the city.
  4. I am happy about all sister-weekends (including butterflies in my stomach before we meet) She is really my best friend!
  5. I fear that I have to buy a new cupboard, because my collection of Starbuck City Mugs is constantly growing. The actual figure is 80. But I only use a few of them (the ones I can replace easily).
  6. I love food – except for beetroot and pea stew!
  7. I am addicted to Chocolate – my favourite one is „Ritter Sport Olympia“. We always keep one in stock at home.
  8. Our family dog is a Bolonka Zwetna named Gizmo (because he looked like a gremlin when he was a puppy)
  9. I love to sit in front of the couch on the carpet with my laptop on my legs. :-)
  10. I am a TV Junkie. I love watching TV series (latest ones: Revenge, Sherlock, The Knick, House of Cards)
  11. I would love to start a sewing club in Hamburg, because I have started so many sewing projects and it would be perfect if members would share experiences that I would be able to finish them. Anyone interested?
  12. Scars are embellishing my leg -because I tried to jump ON a plastic tub as a child. The plastic burst in all directions. (So my career as a leg model was stopped early :-) ).
  13. I am allergic to strong fragrant flowers and hazelnuts.
  14. I love Instagram and the idea of sharing pics.
  15. My most exciting journey was a business trip to Sydney last autumn for 12 days! What an amazing city! For a weekend trip in Europe I would recommend London and Vienna.
  16. Unfortunately, I have never been to NEW YORK. But it is on my 5-years-checklist! (so latest in 2020) -> A city trip during Christmas time including shopping at Bloomingdales and ice skating in front of the Rockefeller centre.
  17. I have just started skiing and I am really trying to improve my skills (and facing my fear)– perfect that there are two indoor ski parks nearby.
  18. Shades of grey would describe my wardrobe perfectly.
  19. I never leave the house in the morning without breakfast – but I could easily go to bed without having dinner.
  20. I am always searching for my stuff (mobile phone, keys, shoes, documents.), which is driving people around me crazy!



  1. I am living in cologne but unfortunately cologne is not a suburb of Hamburg
  2. Getting 30 years was not a big thing for me but now at almost 36 I am happy when people estimate me younger.
  3. One hot chocolade a day keeps bad mood away.
  4. I would rather leave the house without pants than without my mobile phone.
  5. why settle something in two minutes on the phone when you can make a two hours whatsapp-chat out of it.
  6. Striped shirts might make me fatter but happy.
  7. My wardrobe is full of cardigans.
  8. I prefer being behind the camera than in front of it.
  9. I am afraid of flying but unfortunately beautiful New Zealand is so hard to reach by ship.
  10. With my punctuality I am driving others crazy (especially my husband)
  11. If I have to choose between sewing machine and hammer I would prefer the hammer.
  12. My sister and me are partners in crime, share joys and tears, whisper secrets and giggle & laugh.
  13. From my cat I always get a very special birthday present: a mouse! …Seems I am having birthday twice a week :-) .
  14. My home is my castle and fancy hotels are my palaces.
  15. A lunch break without a “Duplo” is no lunch break. It is a waste of time
  16. Spaghetti, Fettuccine, Rigatoni…I love them all!
  17. The Pisa tower is super straight compared to my thumbs.
  18. Counting swimming pool tiles was my major activity as a teenager (Being a semi-professional swimmer can be sometimes so boring).
  19. I like to try different haircuts but my husband says: “Never change a running system”.
  20. I am a pirate, a bee, a cherry or a punk – at least one a year at our beautiful carnival in cologne.

We are really looking forward to see you all in Berlin!

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4 Kommentare

  • antworten
    Jenni (Museum Diary)
    2. April 2015 at 22:30

    Rebekka – I visited Hamburg for the first time two years ago. Such a great city. And such wonderful museums!
    Jennifer – I’m so happy to find another cardigan junkie :)
    See you at The Hive!

    • antworten
      7. April 2015 at 21:31

      Hi Jenni,

      we are very excited about the weekend in berlin. Thanks for your lovely comment. Have you been to the “deichtorhallen” in Hamburg? (Haus der Photography). I love the exhibitions there.

      Take care,

  • antworten
    3. April 2015 at 20:25

    Ich freu mich, euch nächste Woche kennenzulernen. Und überhaupt, dass ich euer Blog gefunden habe. Köln und Hamburg, meine liebste Städte. <3

    • antworten
      7. April 2015 at 21:28

      Liebe Nina,

      wir freuen uns auch schon sehr! Oh je… bei so vielen Personen hoffentlich finden wir uns. …
      Aber das wird bestimmt super interessant… und das mit Hamburg und Köln können wir natürlich nur zu gut verstehen ;-)

      Einen schönen Abend!

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